
Safebox on the cloud


I created this app because I did have a lot of password to remember.

For safty, I did have different password in different websites, but I usually have to reset password everytime. Please do read principle for more detail about how this is works.

This explained how Dualock works.

Never use simple password

Hackers do have millions of common words for trying accounts. A simple password like 123456 is warse than no one.

Never use the same password

A LOT OF WEBSITEs lack of basic security design and firewall. When one of the sites lost my account/password, all of them get lost.

Use Dualock

Dualock will encrypt your sensitive data in cloud, only you can access it anytime you need. Give differnt account differnt password, Dualock will remember them for you.

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A lot of words to describe how we id a user.


A lot of words to describe how secure technology we are using


Nothing is impossiable and nothing is absloute, describe how this happended.


A lot of words to describe how we id a user.


A lot of words to describe how secure technology we are using


Nothing is impossiable and nothing is absloute, describe how this happended.

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We do not store any personal information on our server.

Contact [email protected] to remove your account id completely from our database.

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We do offer help online

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